Learn about events and openings,and join us at ‘Uba Seo Nisenan Arts & Culture.
MUSE: A Guide to Local Art and Culture
Nevada County Arts Council’s new publication MUSE—A Guide to Local Art and Culture celebrates the artists, arts producers, and cultural heritage of Nevada County and our two California Cultural Districts, east and west. This first edition features ‘Uba Seo and Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribal Spokesperson Shelly Covert.
MUSE is a new 8.5” x 11” glossy annual publication, with 5000 free print copies in distribution and online - featuring great editorial, inspiring art and photography, and a companion online edition, MUSE highlights Nevada County as the premier destination for art buyers in the Sierra Nevada foothills and Truckee Tahoe region, and home to some of the best talent in northern California. MUSE reflects the county’s unique position as the only rural county with two California Cultural District designations.
Building a Framework for Truth: Fundraiser
SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2023 AT 3 PM – 7:30 PM
The Center for the Arts
Ethics in academic research, Inclusion of Indigenous rights, and a documented history of California Genocide. Join us for an educational and musical event that is sure to inspire the way we look at the future of academia. Our guest presenters will offer deep insight into their research and the ethics of their academic fields.
Featuring special guest lecturer, Benjamin Madley, researcher and author of the book "An American Genocide" and Associate Professor of history at UCLA. Joining Madley are Jordan Reznick, Getty/National Endowment for the Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow at the Getty Research Institute and Megan Renoir, PhD Candidate at the University of Cambridge and freelance researcher. To balance the evening we will feature offerings from musical artist Mariee Siou and the voice of Nikila Badua.
SAVE THE DATE: VTA 2022 at 'Uba Seo
Opening Art Reception At ‘Uba Seo, October 8th, 2022 6-9 pm
Visibility Through Art was inspired by the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe's desire to collaborate with local artists. The goal: to create conscientious art pieces that conversate around the history and culture of the Original Peoples of this land. Our deepest hope is to bring about awareness of local historic and current issues through the medium of art.
’Uba Seo Gallery Grand Opening
Docents at the new ’Uba Seo—Nisenan Arts and Culture art gallery on Broad Street in Nevada City are preparing for their grand opening event July 10. The new exhibition will feature artwork created via collaboration between members of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan tribe and local artists; their works share the stories and history of the Nisenan. The gallery, located in the Odd Fellows building that has been an art gallery for decades, is a further step in raising awareness in the tribe’s ongoing effort to regain federal status.
Nevada City Rancheria Seeks Federal Recognition Through Art
A community in Northern California is coming together to help a tribe reclaim its federal recognition status.
Despite the 19th-century gold rush and the subsequent devastation inflicted upon California Indian tribes, the Nisenan have remained on their ancestral homelands in the Sierras. “They are beautiful little towns but all history in their region starts at the gold rush,” said Shelly Covert (Nisenan), the community outreach and spokesperson for the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribal Council.
‘Uba Seo Gallery assists with Nisenan Tribe's Visibility
Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan tribal spokesperson Shelly Covert talks about some of the collaborations that went into the artwork created for the grand opening of the ‘Uba Seo Gallery, and the Visibility Through Art show, titled “Destruction of the Land, Destruction of the People.” The opening reception with appetizers and wine is from 6 to 9 p.m. tonight at 225 Broad St. in Nevada City.
Everything you need to know. An abundance of articles from many local sources as well as wider news coverage about the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan and their non-profit CHIRP. You can also find articles here about various CHIRP projects and events.
Ancestral Homelands Reciprocity Program
Our mission is to support and uplift the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe through a community-generated initiative to provide ongoing financial support.